5 Reasons Why Managed Offshore Development Model Makes Sense

From delivering projects at overseas client sites in the 1980s to bringing projects home to establish India as an outsourcing hub in the early 2000 and then boldly surviving the global recession of 2009, India’s software industry has come a long way to live up to the international reputation of being economic, skilled and dependable.

A highly successful software development model which evolved and matured through the last two decades is the Managed Offshore Centre (MOC). In a nutshell, it is having a dedicated offshore team to work on your projects, without having to worry about recruitment, payroll, accounts and other perils of infrastructure and employee management.

Managed Offshore Centre is a tried and tested model that has been helping organisations achieve their technology goals while reducing employee overhead cost. Read through to find out how and why organisations are benefitting from this development model.

Benefits of Managed Offshore Centre (MOC)

Quick start capability

How about having your company’s extended development centre in India without making any capital investments? That’s exactly what MOC offers. It’s the easy way to jumpstart your projects from a ready-to-operate offshore development centre with established IT infrastructure, communication systems, dedicated team of professionals and someone to manage all of these. It acts as the launch pad for organisations to start their software development projects without having to wait to setup infrastructure and resources.


MOC is often referred as the hassle-free development model as it saves clients from all the perils of employee and infrastructure management including hiring, training, payroll, support and others. It means, the client get to focus on their core business competencies, while another takes care of the technicalities and overheads. It’s the smarter and efficient way of getting work done.

Dedicated team

Under the MOC model, every client is assigned a dedicated team of resources who work according to client’s development schedules. It is as good as having an in-house team of developers working staunchly on your projects, with the only difference that they’re located beyond the doors of your business. Certain reporting systems are set in place to cut short on distance and to make it easy for clients to track the progress.


Companies working under the MOC get to save big on capital expenditure and setup cost, apart from the monthly savings on operational overheads. It has been estimated that organisations can cut down their project expenditure by 40-50%, when compared to the cost of setting up and running a development centre or an in-house team. In other words, it helps businesses improve their bottom line.


MOC has made it possible for organisations to have a dedicated team of resources even for projects of short duration. It means organisations can ramp us and ramp down resources without having to worry about long term commitments, liabilities or people management issues. This has made it possible for projects of shorter timeframe to decrease the time to market by hiring a large team of resources to work on a 24-hour workday format.

Whether you call it- your extended offshore office or managed development centre, it goes without saying that offshore development model has been helping organisations across the world not only save big bucks, but also help stay focused on business without having to worry about the perils of resource management. If you are looking for a way to jumpstart your projects sans hassles, go for it!

Contact Info

Isys Techworks India Private Limited
#43/25, 2nd Cross, Promenade Rd,
Frazer Town, Sindhi Colony,
Pulikeshi Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560005

Sales Enquiry: +91 86 60628795

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