ISys Techworks Limited

How to create a tax code on SAP Business One?

First-time users often find it difficult to define tax codes on their ERP system. Though it may seem like an overly complicated process, it isn’t. There are a series of steps involved in defining the tax codes. But before we dive into the details, let us understand what tax codes are and why do we need them.

What are tax codes?

A tax code is a government file that contains thousands of numbered pages that defines the rules that individuals and businesses must follow while settling the taxes to the central or state government. Tax codes are used to calculate tax in domestic procurement.

Tax codes are unique to each country. The rules for tax rate calculation and other important features are stored in a table for each tax code. You should use tax codes with a 0% rate for tax-exempt or non-taxable transactions, if the corresponding transactions are to be displayed in the tax returns. You’ll have to define new tax codes if tax rates are changed by the government during the annual reviews. The old codes with the old tax rates must remain in the system till the open items which use this tax code don’t exist anymore.

According to SAP Business One, tax code refers to the two-digit code that represents the specifications used for calculating and displaying tax.

Here are a few specifications defined under the tax code:

So, you need the tax code to:

Creating tax codes on SAP Business One

Here’s a step-by-step procedure to create tax codes on SAP Business One.

Step 1: Define the tax parameter

Step 2: Define the type of tax

Step 3: Add the tax formula

Step 4: Define the tax type combination

Step 5: Define your tax code

If you want to define new attributes for the tax type, proceed as follows:

  1. From the List of Sales Tax Authorities window, choose the New button to open the <Specific Tax Type> Attributes – Setup window to define attributes for the corresponding tax type
  2. In the corresponding fields, specify the name, purchasing tax account, sales tax account, and non-deductible %
  3. Open the Valid Period – Setup: <Specific Tax Type> window by selecting a row and performing one of the following operations:
  4. Double-click the row you just selected
  5. From the menu bar, choose Goto Valid Period.
  6. Right-click the row you just selected and choose Valid Period
  7. In the Effective From field, specify the effective date, and in the Rate field, specify the rate
  8. In the Valid Period – Setup: <Specific Tax Type> window, choose the Update button to save the valid period for the rate
  9. To close the Valid Period – Setup: <Specific Tax Type> window, choose the OK or Cancel button
  10. In the <Specific Tax Type> Attributes – Setup window, save the attributes for the tax type by choosing the Update button
  11. To close the <Specific Tax Type> Attributes – Setup window, choose the OK or Cancel button
  12. Finally, select the newly defined attributes by double-clicking the row or choosing the Choose button after selecting the row in the List of Sales Tax Authorities window